ICYMI: The Sin City Siren on Ralston Live

In case you missed me on Ralston Live on Vegas PBS last week, here’s the link to watch online: http://watch.knpb.org/video/2365706705/ We talked about Donald Trump’s recent string of increasingly bizarre comments about abortion. I’m happy to say that the prolife guest and I had a civil debate about this passionate issue. Check back for more…

Michigan passes ‘rape insurance’ bill. So what are you going to do about it?

Abandon hope all ye who enter here: Michigan has created a new ring of hell and it is called “rape insurance.” Call this the nexus of reproductive rights and rape culture. The Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act passed yesterday by the Michigan Legislature bans all insurance plans from covering abortion unless the woman’s life is in…

The Choice Ultimatum: Navigating the expanse between ‘brochoice’ and Gosnell

For some reason when I saw the Choice USA bro-choice campaign going viral across the interwebs last week I hung back and watched. On its face, there’s nothing wrong with doing a pro-choice campaign aimed at men. You’ve probably seen the Ryan Gosling meme with pro-choice messages, like this one circulated on Facebook by Choice…

NV lawmaker gets death threats after telling her abortion story during sex ed hearing

I suppose I should have seen it coming. As I sat listening to Nevada Assemblywoman Lucy Flores’ compelling, raw testimony during an April 1 hearing on a comprehensive sex education bill (AB230), I should have paid closer attention to the gasps of horror that came from the opposing side. I should have recognized it as…