Dear Hannah Gadsby, thank you for Nanette

Dear Hannah Gadsby, Thank you. Thank you first and foremost for existing. Thank you for existing in the margins. Thank you for your jokes, your “lesbianing,” your non-binary gender in a binary world, for being a “quiet gay” who likes the sound a teacup makes on a saucer, your art history degree, for hating baby…

[TW] Where’s the public outrage about Las Vegas’ high rate of sex crimes in schools?

[Trigger warning: rape, sexual assault, sexual abuse] In this week’s Vegas Seven I wrote about Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the good work happening at the Rape Crisis Center. One program in particular, the Enough Abuse Campaign, resonates with me personally as a survivor of sexual abuse. The program is designed to teach adults how…

The uterus is MAGIC!

Where do I begin? Where do I begin? Okay, so by now, I’m sure you’ve heard about Missouri Rep. Todd Akin’s “ill-conceived” comments about, well, conception. Do you think Akin knows the irony of using the phrase “ill-conceived”? Friends, I think we should look at this not as a mean-spirited criticism of any woman who…