Books for Christmas: A shameless plug for all my writer friends

The biggest critique of Las Vegas is that it is a soulless city devoid of real culture. Next year marks my 20th year in Vegas and I’d argue that it is a surprisingly generous community with a unique culture. Hell, five of the 10 editorial staffers I worked with at CityLife are authors. So, if…

Dear Hannah Gadsby, thank you for Nanette

Dear Hannah Gadsby, Thank you. Thank you first and foremost for existing. Thank you for existing in the margins. Thank you for your jokes, your “lesbianing,” your non-binary gender in a binary world, for being a “quiet gay” who likes the sound a teacup makes on a saucer, your art history degree, for hating baby…

A letter to the people who found feminism since Nov. 9

For more than a month there’s been this sensation in my chest — like being crushed from the inside. Normally my head is so full of words, I literally can’t sleep until I get them out. They dance in there like prosaic ear-worms. Lately, though, it’s been eerily quiet. The dead calm of stupefaction. All…